People Mover Travel Blog

Disney History, Disney Tyler Braun Disney History, Disney Tyler Braun

Lessons I Learned From Walt: Optimism

As a child I would tell my mother, “I’m an optimistic optimist!” before galavanting off to save an invisible fair maiden on my stick horse. I was a very upbeat kid, as most children are, unbeaten by the unfairness and malice the world sometimes holds as an adult. Walt, while prone to occasionally donning a bad attitude (what his employees called his “bear suit” days), was an eternal optimist.

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Disney History, Disney Tyler Braun Disney History, Disney Tyler Braun

Lessons I Learned From Walt: Endurance

It would be difficult to overstate the importance of Walt Disney in my life. There are the obvious reasons, of course: without Walt there are no Disney movies or parks, both a huge part of my life. The case could even be made that without Walt, I never would have met my wife, Jessica, as we met performing in Aladdin the Musical on stage!

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