Social Promotion Suggestion

Hey gang! So as we grow and work with more and more suppliers all the time it can be difficult to keep on top of all promotions or destinations when it comes to what content we share in our online presence. So in order to make sure we are prioritizing destinations, suppliers and promotions that you as agents want to see we have created a submission system.

You can submit your suggested content below and we will work it into our social media content and/or paid advertising strategies based on things like type of content, urgency of promotion etc. Please note that just because you submit something doesn’t mean that it will be shared online immediately as there are varying factors to consider BUT know that we will communicate with you about when you can expect to see it shared.

We also do reserve the right to edit any submitted captions, blog posts, photos and/or videos etc to best fit our brand tone and voice!

Please fill out the form below to the best of your ability when submitting a social promotion suggestion and we will connect further for any clarification once received!