Joe Arlotta

Walt Disney World

I haven’t been to Disney World in about 15 years prior to this trip. Now having two young kids it was time to go back, and let’s just say Disney World changed a lot since I’ve last been there, I didn’t even know where to begin on planning the trip. All I did know was I wanted it to be something my children would never forget. On top of not knowing where to start I was also planning this trip in less than 60 days
Thankfully I found Martha to help plan our trip. She literally knows everything you need to know about Disney World, she was so update with all the new procedures that it made our lives ten times easier. Like I said I was planning this trip with less then 60 days so many Disney attractions such as dinner reservations were already filled up, Martha insured me not to worry she stayed on top of it everyday and was even able to get us a last minute character breakfast reservation which my kids loved. The best part was Martha was down in Disney often while I was planning this trip so she was literally able to keep up to date on the latest information because she was actually there. In the end we had a great trip , we had a great experience working with Martha and we highly highly recommend her work.


Elizabeth Seirup


Daniella Gonzalez