Karie Feist-Bankenbush

Walt Disney World

Tyler helped my family and my parents plan our first trip to both Disney World and Orlando area. Being a first time traveler to Disney World I had many, and maybe even silly sometimes, questions for Tyler and he answered them thoroughly for me and never once made me feel silly for asking any of my questions. He took care of not only securing our FastPasses, which we got all the ones we wanted because of Tyler, and our reservations for us but planned our FastPasses so they were close together in the parks so we didn't waste our time walking back and forth to rides. I knew that if at any time we had any issues while on our vacation I could call Tyler and he would help take care of any problems which eased my mind and made for a relaxing vacation. My family was very pleased with our trip and kept telling me how well I planned our vacation but I had to tell them it was because of Tyler and not me. I have recommended Tyler and People Mover Travel Agency to my friends and family who are looking to plan their own trips.

Tyler BraunTyler Braun